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Hey, just wanted to come here because I remembered a dream I had last night with Maryam in it! I was telling her about a problem and her response didn’t really seem to be very related to the problem but she was telling me to basically claim my abundance and to ring a Mercedes Benz dealership and ask to speak to them about their cars lmao!!  I have no interest in fancy cars and I haven’t learnt to drive hahah. But it makes me happy to remember it lol. Anyway yep that’s all I wanted to say! Blessings xox
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Re: Dream


I think the car may have a meaning behind It. I once had a car dream where I saw the type and color of the car - It was white/brand new looking. According the google It was a positive dream and I was moving in the right direction
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Re: Dream

I didnt see any actual cars in the dream haha..but thank you :} i am sure it means something though.
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Re: Dream

Yea it does. I’m so into dreams :)