Dream question

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Dream question

Esi Seanehia
Does anyone else experience dreams where a person you’re interacting with suddenly turns into another person or several different people throughout the course of your dream? If so, I’d love to hear what your thoughts are on why that happens.

Just had a dream where someone that I’m actually seeing suddenly turned into someone else (that I’m not seeing) and the relationship dynamics remained the same although the person was totally different. I’ve had dreams like this all my life but haven’t a clue what it could mean.

Peace and love to you all!
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Re: Dream question

Hi Esi, I've experienced this a fair bit in my dream realms! I've wondered about this, too.

Perhaps this could indicate an aspect of Self making contact with us in a way that seems familiar to us. Eg, taking on the form of friends/family/acquaintances. The image-shifting might take place because in our mind-self, we might still value validation/acceptance from others over validation/acceptance from our intuitive selves. Or maybe we're still working on reconciling with the illusion of separation and trying to accept Oneness as a concept and way of being. So then the dream could be reminding us that the *form* doesn't matter - what matters is the connectivity that we recognize when we're in the presence of each other, or in the presence of our own full being.

Hope that sparks something helpful!