So guys the night before last i had a dream about my ex .. he was in this crazed manic state.. hair standing up on top of his head (he’s bald in real life) it was like he was someone i couldn’t recognize but i felt it was him even tho he was in this crazed state.. he kept saying nothing had changed he still didn’t love me it was still the same .. my feelings were a little hurt i didn’t say much in response. We were in this house in unfamiliar with had grey or white walls i can’t remember but it was a new house .. anyway he wanted to have sex with me (I’m celibate in waking life) i was uncomfortable but i didn’t turn down his advances or felt i couldn’t . So he had sex with me right there standing up it felt very uncomfortable and it was quick . No intimacy just felt like we weren’t even connected. I woke up from this dream so sad i haven’t spoke to him have him on block we don’t communicate and i haven’t spoke to him or thought about him in a while. So it threw me .. last night i decided to walk myself into the dream so we could resolve it all. I went to bed with the intention to see and talk to him. I visualized myself walking into his front door well i went through the door and up the stairs to his room. First i saw him on his prayer rug then in his bed. I got into bed with him and when i went to cuddle him i melted into his body. In his body i could see all his organs .. i told him from inside it was me. I said i was visualizing but i really think i had drifted to sleep at this point. So i was awake in the dream. The next part is a blur but it’s important. We were dancing together . In a warm embrace smiling at one another. The song escapes me i should have wrote it down but we just held one another and smiled at one another. It felt really good he felt happy and it felt good to be with him again. It’s kind of as if i was outside of my body watching it as well I’d go from in my body to watching it. When i woke up i have “danced all night” from my fair lady stuck in my head. Anyone have any interpretations of their own. In your dream of the dream moments of clarity for me?
I wonder did he dream this too.
Thanks in advance everyone!