Creator Effect - a teaching vacation offering

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Creator Effect - a teaching vacation offering

Hi loves,

My name is Bet-Zua. I'm 23 years old, living in Madison, WI. I'm so grateful for the healing that I have received while being a part of this community. I'd love to give back. I have an idea for a way we can all make money, teach healing modalities, provide a communal experience of enlightenment, and most importantly have a long vacation!

I think we all deserve a long vacation. I know I do. If you do too, here's my pitch:

Would you like to join me in co-creating "The Creator Effect, a journey of remembrance"?

It will be a workshop retreat featuring several leading-edge wellness practitioners and I would love for you to be the Patron Saints. You can create your own titles.

The retreat is intended to be a massive way to redistribute wealth on planet Earth while creating healing experiences.

Each Patron Saint will be asked to provide one hour of service, of their choosing.

The one hour Patron Saint workshops are the biggest "hook" for those seeking experiences of healing and wholeness.

The real "meat" of the event is the fact that it's a long vacation in the most luxurious settings, and as people enjoy themselves with one another the real healing & wholeness happens.

I would love to have you on board.

Please let me know if this sounds interesting to you.
