Copycat energy

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Copycat energy

Hey y'all! I could use some words of wisdom and encouragement surrounding copycat energy -- when you sense someone is copying you what do you do? It's pretty draining and discouraging when people don't acknowledge you (or pay you) but cop your style of creative expression -- a thing that I am trying to use to pay my bills. It feels like such an energy suck. Has anyone dealt with this before?

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Re: Copycat energy

As an artist, yes - it felt like one of the biggest lessons I've navigated professionally and personally. I have also unknowingly appropriated others in the past, especially when rushing deadlines for school and wanting to please teachers. I worked on forgiving myself and releasing myself from those patterns. I'm thankfully more aware of how my actions can cause or catalyze imbalances within energetic exchanges, so I recede and focus on boundary-setting or boundary-reinforcing work. I make it very clear that I intend to welcome only nourishing exchanges and to respect boundaries - my own as well as others. I have also removed myself from many work situations (including "communities") that drained my creative lifeforce, and I am now working on being open to working in situations and with people who are able to reflect back to me my chosen intentions and ethics. I'd say, focus on revitalizing your energy - do not let energy mosquitoes take up any more of your time. Wishing you the best with this 💖
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Re: Copycat energy


Thank you so much for your encouraging words and sharing your experience. Using this feeling as an opportunity to work on boundaries and recognize when I may have unintentionally created the same dynamic toward someone else makes so much sense -- I'm sure I've done it and we are all learning. At the same time I agree, it's so important to notice those who are consistently "energy mosquitos (love this term haha) and move out of those spaces. Honestly this pattern has also brought my attention to the fact that I'm ready to be creating more and putting myself out there and claiming my space so that others who truly resonate with me know which energy is mine and can find me and connect. What type of art do you create? Would love to see it/promote/support/follow etc. anywhere I can! Thank you again for your kind wisdom. <3
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Re: Copycat energy

I'm so grateful to hear that! It sounds like you are discovering what a nourishing creative space/community looks like - I hope this process will be ever gentle and fun for you 💞

I paint, illustrate, and write. My experiences have led me to shed all illusions I held on so tightly about what an art career should look like. I recently received multiple confirmations that I'm being guided to combine art with healing and spirituality! I'm so excited for what this is gonna look like. I'm on Instagram and Twitter @byDhiyanah and my website will be back up next year:

I'd love to connect and keep in touch with you and your works as well - please feel free to buzz me with your links/social media pages if it feels right for you to. Lots of love! 💖