Checking In

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Checking In

Hi my loves!

I just enrolled back into school after taking a break + I'm transitioning from my current job so I've been adjusting to my new schedule which is why I haven't been as active as I usually try to be both in the forum and the chat during the live sessions. I've missed you all this past month and I'm looking forward to coming back to the live sessions once everything settles a bit.

Are there any new ventures or goals that you guys are working on that you'd like to share? I want to keep you in mind while I'm out here in these streets trying to better myself lol.

I'm loving these Study Hall threads by the way, Irene! <3
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Re: Checking In

hey love!!

i'm sending positive energy your way as you're out there on that daily grind. i feel you, i just started a second job today and am filled with a lot of nervous excitement. right now, i'm trying to get better at staying focused on my healing routine. because i definitely have the habit of guilt tripping myself when i feel depressed or off center. i'm also looking to explore how sexuality + creativity are one, and trying to let go of the ways that i have repressed my expression and pleasure over the years. it's been super awesome!!

congrats on enrolling in school!! much luck and love to you ~
warmth and peace to you
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Re: Checking In

In reply to this post by Brittany
Welcome back girl -- I missed your powerful energy! In class and in these forum streets lol.

Wishing things become peaceful for you again and sending you positive vibes. See you back here soon!

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Re: Checking In

Felisha Nicole
In reply to this post by Brittany
Hey Brittany! Wishing you continued energy as you conquer your transitions and the world. You are missed.

All of the classes have been so powerful, I'm shifting into allowing information to flow in through my heart instead of grasping onto concepts as I have been, kicking off an overwhelming downward spiral of panic/anxiety. As spoken in today's class, I just want God and to be so deeply in love from there outwards.

Wellness wishes and see you in class soon - peace!

BTW - I'm feeling you where you're at Aneesah, creative+pleasure+sexuality release and expression - YES indeed!

All of your warm faces inspired me to shine my own *hugs*
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Re: Checking In

In reply to this post by Brittany
Super late responding to you all but thank you for the warm welcome back.


Keeping up with a daily routine is always easy when things are going smoothly it's when you TRULY need it that it tends to be challenging. That's when you have to push past self and put in that work regardless. Something I'm still getting into the groove of myself. Also, good for you! Sexual energy can be transmuted into creative, healing energy for sure. Looking forward to the upcoming classes on it ;)


I missed you all too! Wishing the same positive energy upon you. Thank you <3


Ooou I can believe! I wouldn't expect anything less from the classes and from you all. So happy to hear that you're getting what you need from the classes/community and I'm glad you're showing that beautiful face. I can't remember who I saw with an avi first but I was like yeeeeah let me show a lil bit of myself as well lol.