Books on Ancient Egypt written by Decolonial/African/diaspora authors

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Books on Ancient Egypt written by Decolonial/African/diaspora authors

Hey SaI’m looking for books that talk about Ancient Egyptian mythology, anything and everything Egypt, especially about Gods and Symbols but written by North African, African, or African diaspora authors or from decolonial/anti imperialist perspective ❤️❤️❤️💋🙏🏼🙏🏼 Thank you famille
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Re: Books on Ancient Egypt written by Decolonial/African/diaspora authors

i dont have an exact book but i studied under dr karenga (the man who created kwanzaa) in college and he is a brilliant man who has multiple books about africa , the diaspora, & sacred african traditions. he may have books on ancient egypt too. :) hope this helps.