Being in the Flow (fo sho)

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Being in the Flow (fo sho)

Hey everyone,

I'm a newbie in this community and I just want to express my utmost gratitude!! Flow States was on time and online! (Lol)
I have been on my awakened journey for a few years now and each year I open up a new chapter and lesson in my life. It's funny how when I didn't have the terminology for "being in flow" it was natural for me however when I started to learn the vocabulary my ego latched on. I am learning the art of surrendering to the flow with these new tools on the back burner of my mind.

Let's connect!

Ways to Support Being in Flow (from class)

1. Connection to my heart = my compass.
2. Get away from distractions.
3. Finding peak times that are quiet and to self.
4. Focus on one task at a time.
5. Multitasking is a no no.
6. Being mindful of the things that are less enjoyable.
7. Being in flow increases confidence.
8. Feedback. The awareness that things are naturally unfolding/ a sensory experience.
9. Time transforms/ loose track of time
10. Forgiveness
11. Asking "What is the most exciting thing for me to do right now?
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Re: Being in the Flow (fo sho)

Mildred Monique
I am still processing and integrating the information from class. I usually like to revisit my notes and maybe the video more that once so I can see what resonates the same or different after a few days.

So grateful for your notes. Once I revisit everything I will be sure to add and keep the conversation going.

Peace to you!
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Re: Being in the Flow (fo sho)

Yes, I totally feel you!

One way I practiced being in the flow is honoring my time. Not giving into pressure of doing too much but at the same time I feel great that I did enough!

What about you?
