Baby Blue Eyes flower essence herbal supplement

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Baby Blue Eyes flower essence herbal supplement

Greetings Everyone!

Has anyone in the community worked with Baby Blue Eyes drops?
I'm interested in any recommendations on dosage and any smoothies, teas, etc. you enjoy.

Happy Friday!
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Re: Baby Blue Eyes flower essence herbal supplement

hi Jonelle!

i used Baby Blue Eyes last month! i would drop 3-4 drops under my tongue 3-4x a day until the bottle was done. i think it lasted me almost a month. it was VERY helpful and got me to release some feelings (and tons of tears) i had about my father and stepfather, literally the next day after i started taking the drops. Baby Blue Eyes was the fourth flower essence i've taken, and i only drop under my tongue, but that's my personal preference.

i used it in conjunction with something called Higher Self Elixir, which is a flower essence plus crystal essences. i took the Bird Song one, which deals with the throat chakra. i got it from an herb shop in NYC, but it's also available online. if you're interested, poke around the online store, but it says they're taking a break from orders at the moment. i took an aura photo a few weeks after i took the essences, and my throat (and solar plexus) chakra strengthened IMMENSELY. but i didn't need a photo for that, because i been telling ERRBODY how i feel. 😂

i'm currently using the Healing Chalice elixir along with the Pretty Face flower essence, and i like so far. separately, i'm also working with a programmed called UNBLOCKED, so for me, the elixir is perfect with it.

if you try the essences/elixirs, i hope it's helpful for you! but i don't have any doubt that they will be. keep us posted. much love. 💕
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Re: Baby Blue Eyes flower essence herbal supplement

Since my initial post, I've used 3-4 in my water daily.

I can't really describe it, but I'll continue to use it until the bottle is finished & share an update.
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Re: Baby Blue Eyes flower essence herbal supplement

In reply to this post by ariel
Hi Ariel! which herb shop in NYC is this?