Attachment Questions List from Attachment vs Authenticity 1.0

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Attachment Questions List from Attachment vs Authenticity 1.0

Attachment questions ('don’t answer from the mind, tune in and give a real answer'):

Do I say yes when I mean no?

Do I ignore my inner guidance and suppress my emotions?

Do I ignore signs and red flags? And am I willfully ignorant?

Do I use negative self talk?

Do I let others words and actions trigger me into anger, defensiveness, feeling bad about myself?

Do I trade personal power for peace and acceptance?

Do I believe others may influence my feelings but they are ultimately my own? Or do I believe others or circumstances make me feel a certain way that I am powerless to how others influence how I feel?

Do I have poor boundaries?

Do I over empower others by looking for approval and validation?

Am I a people pleaser?

Am I acting out of my own choices or controlled by my reactions?

Do I allow myself to be intimidated by emotional assault from other people?

Do I always need to be right or in control?

Do I use control tactics like manipulation, passive aggression, or playing the victim?

Am I committed to providing safety to others?

Do my loved ones truly see me as being on their side?

Do I want to guide and empower others or do I want to control them?

Am I able to offer hope to others without disqualifying their lived experiences?

Can I identify how someone’s challenging behaviour may have been developed as a survival tactic from their past?

I am respectful to others even when we disagree?

Do I use power and threats and fear of loss of love to gain complication and to get people to do what I want?

Which part of me doesn’t want to group up and truly realise how powerful I am?

Am I being mindful of what is good for me as well as others in situations?

Am I being unapologetically myself?

Am I acting assertively- calming stating my point, aggressively- attacking or blaming or submissively giving in, surrendering, being a people pleaser?

What would I do differently if I knew the other person would never change?