Anyone do web sites?

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Anyone do web sites?

Greetings all!

I need a simple web site and thought I'd see here first if anyone did this kind of thing. I have been spending a lot of energy watching wordpress tutorials...and I have learned that I really, really, really, don't like watching tutorials for computer stuff. At least when I read written instructions with photos, I can skim to the parts I need. I'd much rather be WRITING for the site than trying to figure out the nuts and bolts.

I'd like the site to have a few different pages/tabs for things like local yoga, cooking, growing things, etc., but be mostly a blog format, with most recent posts all showing up on the home page. When I tag a post with the "cooking" say, it will automatically also post in the "cooking" tab/page. I'd like it to be searchable. I'd like it to be easily editable by me. I have a budget in mind.

If this is your wheelhouse, please contact me! Here is fine; now that I've posted this, I'll check back later this week. You can also email me at becktuck at gmail.

Sat nam,