Answer: How can I tell if it’s my intuition or ...

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Answer: How can I tell if it’s my intuition or ...

Hudda Rahma
We have a whole class dear NEMS friends on this topic Intuitive Guidance🖤🖤🖤

This class is super important and this question gets answered after 46 mins, in Intuitive Guidance 1.0, but watch both classes tbh.

Take care and to more life lived through intuitive guidance.
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feel it out BAYBIII

I say feel it out.... sometimes a voice demands me to do something, and I think that's definitely not it... but also I feel things out with my hands, like I reach out for something and if it feels right I can really tell and when its not I can definitely feel something closed up.... andddddd then also my hand can lead me to the right or left and then its like ok! right place its like hotter colder game lol
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Re: feel it out BAYBIII

Hudda Rahma
That’s so beautiful and yes! 💓