Alchemy Symbols

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Alchemy Symbols

I'm traveling to visit my friend who is a potter.  He and I are designing a ceremonial tea/cacao set together with little stackable cups.  I would love to include some alchemy symbols/sacred geometry into the design.  I would appreciate anyones input on what they would like to see on a set and why.  Also if anyone knows of a book for constructing the symbols, I would appreciate it.  After I complete research, I'm going to dedicate my dreams tonight to finding the perfect symbol.  I hope you are all having a wonderful week.  

Blessings, Love and Light!
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Re: Alchemy Symbols

Hey Danielle! That's BEAUTIFUL! I hope you have/find everything you need. I was in Barnes and Noble today and came across a passage about symbols in Waking Up in 5D - Maureen St. Germain! It was really insightful and fun. I enjoyed the book! I may go back and get it. It echoed a lot of themes in class etc :)