Akashic Records

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Akashic Records

Hi all :)

I was wondering if anyone has tried accessing their Akashic Records, or have your records read by someone. If so, how were the results? Did what was accessed resonate?

I took a course on how to read your personal records earlier this year, but haven't dived deep into gaining access yet. I did get a past lives oracle reading done that was interesting and resonated a lot.
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Re: Akashic Records

Danielle Nicole
I haven't, but after the last class (which was amazing btw) I have started looking people to access my records.Which course did you take to read your personal records?
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Re: Akashic Records

Hi Danielle :)

I took a course on DailyOm from Teri Uktena that was very helpful. You can find it here: Finding Your Soul's Purpose Through The Akashic Records

Teri also have a website with a lot of great information and a podcast. It's here: Akashic Reading

Hope this helps!