A poem

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A poem

Hello beloveds!

I wanted to share something I wrote today inspired by two tarot cards I pulled:

little Seraphim come to Earth to play
            and retreat into golden serenity
            what do you see today?

the lion's strength is the brute overcome by beauty
strength lies in not crushing what
is between one's teeth, it is not doing
harm nor contributing to others doing harm
it is honoring the sacredness of life in
recognizing the One

 Young wise sage, what sits perched in
                  that tree?

         the knowing white dove that is me
              come to teach us of the purity of
              judgement. its wholeness of form does not lie
              in human criticism
              it lies in the Light of destiny + Truth
              it lies in pure recognition and understanding
              it lies in borrowing the pain of compassion to
              inspire Well-Being
              True Judgement is simply the Act of
              Witnessing All as Grace
              without delineating value on strictly
              Materialistic terms.
warmth and peace to you
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Re: A poem

"it is honoring the sacredness of life in
recognizing the One"

beautiful - thank you for sharing, Aneesah 💕💕